Sunday, January 28, 2007

Some photos

The Cast leaving the ship in Barbados

Andel and Larrance standing in a beautiful ocean side botanical garden in Barbados...

Sunset from the ship...we were leaving Dominica

A photo of us in The Great Outdoors - our favorite place to hang out on the ship. It's an open air area on 12 aft.

Tortola...we're a shadow of our former selves

Andy, Edward & Michael and a strange woman

Postcard shot in Barbados

Mt. Gay distillery

Mt. Gay again!


Kate H said...

Hi Jen and Larrance! I just wanted you to know that I sent you an email about the nicely forming "Behind the Apron" show and exhibit. I sent it to both your's Jen and Acadia Improv email addresses.
I get all warm looking at the pictures and ship talk. Miss you all.

Deanna Moffitt said...

You guys look great!!! I'm serious sunshine in winter time looks good on you. There's a cold front hitting Chicago, right now it's 17 degrees but with the windchill factor it feels like 5.

You're not missing a thing.

- D