Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Before we Open

This week I'm in tech rehearsals for The Real Inspector Hound by Tom Stoppard at the Orono Community Theater.  It has been a very hectic week with long days and nights but the show is wonderful.  

The process started back in February with auditions.  Orono is about an hour away from Ellsworth (where we live) so the commute this winter was, at times, difficult.  I think we canceled four or five rehearsals including the first read through.  The cast, all Bangor & Orono or thereabouts locals, worked very hard.  Stoppard plays are never easy.  The language is demanding and timing is everything.  They've worked very hard and I'm so proud of the cast.  Oh, and the facial hair in this show is out of control.

Keith Anderson Community Center in Orono
Fri., Apr. 25 at 7:30pm
Sat., Apr. 26 at 7:30pm
Sun., Apr. 27 at 3pm

Fri., May 2 at 7:30pm
Sat., May 3 at 7:30pm
Sun., May 4 at 3pm

Tickets are $12 adults/$6 students, on sale in advance at Orono Pharmacy and at the door.

The Hound & Major Magnus with Jen on sound in the background.

Mrs. Drudge & The Body - Something is amiss but she's not sure what...

Next week, onto getting the theater and the cabin ready for the season!


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