Well we're back in Ellsworth, ME. We've settled back into the house for the most part and we've started teaching our improv course at College of the Atlantic.
I was looking at my blog from last year and I realized that I really did a piss poor job of keeping up this year. I was thinking about why. I think part of it was that it wasn't all new. Also I was with a very social group this time around so I was spending less time blogging.
But now I have all these photos that haven't been seen....I need to sort them out but then I'll post some. I know what you're saying, "You said that last time and I came back but nothing had changed. You can't change!" I'm here to tell you - Sweetcheeks, this time it will be different. I promise, sweetcheeks! I'll post some photos and I'll get a job. Just give me another chance! Sweetcheeks, please!
Yes, I'm asking you not to break up with my blog.
I know last year I said I wanted to blog about the season and I do. I'm thinking I should set up a publish day....so how about Mondays. There will be a new post every Monday and maybe some bonus posts!
So, what do you say, sweetcheeks?
I was in a social group and barely blogged too...OH WAIT! I blogged every GD day! Burn...burn on you, I say.
But Rance you did such a good job that I didn't have to blog. Oh, complimental burn!!! That's a compliment!
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