Friday, December 21, 2007



Just a quick note to say Happy Holidays!

We just finished a five day cruise. On the five day we go to Cozumel & Grand Cayman, both are lovely places to visit. We didn't do much in Cozumel. Just went to an internet cafe and ate guacamole and drank mochas...not at the same time.

On Grand Cayman, we went to a beautiful beach called Smith's Cove. This was a half sand half volcanic rock beach with fantastic snorkeling. There were all kinds of fish there and a bunch of large coral heads. I think I saw an freaked me out and right after I saw it a leaf touched me and I screamed. Yes, I love the ocean but it still scares me. That means I respect the ocean!

Okay, well we're off on the Christmas nine day cruise. On Christmas Eve we'll be on Tortola, we're thinking about going snorkeling at Virgin Gorda or to the beach at Brewer's Bay. Either way I'll be in a swimsuit with a snorkel on my face.

For Christmas, we'll be on Antigua. I'm not sure what we'll do on Antigua. Maybe head to Nelson's Dockyard and Devil's Bridge and (surprise) a beach for some snorkeling!

For me Christmas will be a hot and humid affair where fir trees look weird and people insist on saying, "Happy Christmas, Mon!" I'll miss my Midwestern/New England Christmas but I won't be miserable!

Happy Christmas, Mon!

L & J

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