Happy New Year 2015!!
We've been a combination of busy and enjoying our time off.
We went to L.A. to visit friends and to see what's going on there.
Trout stayed home and enjoyed time with our friend, Lizz.
After we got home, we were busy with Christmas going's on! I made candies with friend (an annual tradition) and cookies with friends (a new tradition?) and we saw so many people that we never get to see.
We visited the St. Elizabeth Monastery on Orcutt Mountain. Three Friars live up there and they make all manner of wonderful treats.
This was the first Christmas that we stayed in Maine. We've spent holidays on ships before but never in our own home. It was pretty fun. We saw friends on Christmas Eve spent the evening at home making a Pot Pie and opening presents. On Christmas Day, we went to our friend Amy & Eric's for Brunch and games.
We took a walk in the park.
On New Year's Eve we performed at The Rock & Art Shop as a part of the Downtown Countdown in Bangor. It was so much fun. The shows were very well attended and we couldn't have asked for better hosts or a cooler venue. The cast included: Andy Bolduc, Larrance Fingerhut, Lizz Mathews, Amy Roeder & me.
We had to stay home because we're very busy starting in January. Larrance starts working on Guys on Ice for Penobscot Theater. It opens on January 29th, 2015. I start teaching at College of the Atlantic (Intro to Improvisation), Penobscot Theater (Improv 1) and two classes for ImprovAcadia - Improv for Tweens & Teens and Intermediate Improv for Adults. I will be teaching 5 days a week!
Hope you all had a lovely Holiday season!