I am total jerk. I said I would post about our Maui/Haleakala adventure and then I didn't. Well, poo on me.
I know there are at least a few people following this blog so I'm going to try and do a few short posts with photos...see, I get tied down by wanting to write about everything....this makes me late. It's that whole perfectionist/procratinator complex. Yah.
So - what's been happening in Hawaii? Well, lots! We went to Haleakala on Maui and took in the sunset - stunning. We went to a Haleiwa on Oa'hu to check out the town and to see a beach that by afternoon is covered by sea turtles. We went to the Maui Aquarium which was small but had a great reef display. We have been walking a lot. We went to the Foster Botanical garden in Honolulu.
This last week my Mom and her husband, Ray, were visiting. We had a big adventure everyday.
Day 1 - Maui - we rented a car and went to Pa'ia and Lahaina. We watched whales from the cliffs and had dinner at Flatbreads
Day 2 - Maui - we went on a Whale Watch/Snorkel trip. Amazing. A baby whale came right up the ship and then the baby momma and the escort also got pretty close to us.
Day 3 - Hilo -we went the Volcano National Park to see the crater, the caldera and the lava tube. And we went to a orchid place and my Momma bought me an orchid.
Day 4 - Kona - we took it easy. Shopping, coffee and lunch for my Mom and I. We purchased some beautiful lava jewerly.
Day 5 - Kauai - we rented a car and toured Kauai. We saw the Opeakah falls and Waimea Canyon. Awesome.
Day 6 - Kauai - we took it easy because we were, in a word, pooped.
Day 7 - Honolulu/Oahu - we rented a car and went to Haleiwa to eat at Kua'aina Burger, get Coffee Gallery coffee (the best Kauai Peaberry) and to see the turtles.
It was a great week.
Okay now for photos....