Monday, July 21, 2008

What's up now?

We are in the thick of the busy season. Crowds have been good and surprisingly happy for July.

Our current cast is:
Joe Burton
Leah Gotcsik
Shelby Jennings
Vince Kracht

This weekend Andy Eninger replaces Vince.

We had our first proposal! Rich asked Lucia to marry him atop Cadillac Mt! We're a breeding ground for love - well, they were in love before they got here but they got engaged here. So, we're a breeding ground for engagement. It's true.

I've tweaked my shoulder somehow - it hurts quite a bit. Frankly, it was either from the handstand I did (pretending to do a keg stand with the help of Shelby) or from the cat bit I did later in the evening. I was pretending to be my Mom's cat Talia after she would come in from being outside and having a good time. Yes, I hurt myself for a bit. I'm serious about bits!

We did our first Improvision at Reel Pizza about a week ago. Basically they show a movie that we've never seen without the soundtrack. We improvise all the dialogue, music and sound effects. Before we see the movie, we have an audience member pick a style from the bag of styles (horror, western, merchant ivory, coming of age, etc.) The first movie was Queen of Outer Space starring ZaZa Gabor. It went very well. We're doing our next one on August 1st at 11pm. Come see it!

More later....


Monday, July 7, 2008

Quick Update


So we have a new cast!

Currently we have:
Rich Baker
Vince Kracht
Lucia Bonifazi
Amy Roeder

On Thursday, Amy departs and Leah starts.


There you go.
